Business Office

Goals & Objectives

  1. Provide for a curriculum that meets the needs of all students.
  2. Provide for a staff development program that is relevant to the needs of students and staff.
  3. Provide for modern, educationally current facilities that support the needs of students and their educational program.
  4. Provide for an informative system of communication for both internal and external articulation.
  5. Provide for improved board operations.

Melissa Kida, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
65 West Greenbrook Rd
North Caldwell, NJ  07006
Phone: (973) 228-1200, Ext. 3108
Fax: (973) 228-0559
E-mail: [email protected]

Valerie D'Anton, Secretary to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary and Purchase Order Processing
Phone: (973) 228-1200, Ext. 3104
Fax: (973) 228-0559
E-mail: [email protected]

Lulzime Feti, Accountant/Bookkeeper/Accounts Payable
Phone: (973) 228-1200, Ext. 3106
Fax: (973) 228-0559
E-mail: [email protected]

Christina Andrascik, Payroll and Benefits Coordinator
Phone: (973) 228-1200, Ext. 3107
Fax: (973) 228-0559
E-mail: [email protected]