According to District Policy 5530, medication includes prescriptive and over-the-counter (non-prescriptive) medicine.It may only be administered in school by the school physician, a certified or non-certified school nurse, a substitute school nurse employed by the district, parent/guardian. *
Self administration of medication by the student is only permitted for life threatening illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, or severe allergic reaction that would require an auto-injector. Forms must be completed as per instructions on the forms and only one medication per form. Instructions on the forms include the following documentation and must be presented to the school nurse prior to medication administration in school by the school nurse or the student:
- Physician's order noting medication and purpose, route, dosage, frequency and time to be administered.
- Parent / guardian authorization of medication ordered by the physician (see "1" above).
- Medication must be brought to the school in the original container with the pharmacy label.
*See nurse regarding special circumstances for Epinephrine Auto-injectors.