West Essex Regional School District is once again participating in ADL’s “No Place for Hate Initiative.” The Middle School and High School Culture & Climate Committees have been hard at work planning activities to create more inclusive, respectful, and equitable school environments.
In early October, all West Essex students engaged in discussions in their English classes about our schools strengths and weaknesses and signed pledges to commit themselves to reduce bullying, discrimination, and bias.
In each Culture & Climate Committee, students developed banner ideas for the pledges and voted on their favorite one that would showcase our commitment to the No Place for Hate initiative. Check out the high school banner that "Blocks the Hate" and the MS pledges that "Sends Love, Not Hate."
The Culture & Climate Committees began work again after the first activity to create a lesson that would be beneficial to the student population. The MS Culture & Climate Committee created a lesson on stereotypes that set out to promote critical thinking, empathy, and social awareness by having students reflect on their own beliefs and assumptions and to appreciate differences. The High School team created a lesson about gossip and rumors that addressed social dynamics that impact emotional well-being, relationships, and school climate. These lessons took place during Social Studies classes.
The Committees are now working on their next activity which will take place in February in hopes of promoting a culture of inclusion, respect, and unity.