Health & Physical Education Department
West Essex students will achieve excellence not only on the field of competition, but in the classroom and in life. Our Health, Physical Education, & Coaching staff will foster a culture of teamwork, sportsmanship, and personal growth. Together, West Essex will produce well-rounded, resilient and disciplined young adults who embody the principles of leadership, integrity and community.
Questions? Contact Tim Walsh, Assistant Principal of Athletics:
Timothy Walsh
Assistant Principal of Athletics
West Essex Regional School District
65 West Greenbrook Rd
North Caldwell, NJ 07006
973-228-1200, Ext. 1263
[email protected]
Benefits of Active Teens
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recommends that children and adolescents aged 6-17 years should have 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Further, the Center for Disease Control states physical activity can have an impact on:
- cognitive skills & improved attitudes
- academic behavior & improved academic performance
- enhanced concentration & attention
- improved classroom behavior
- relieve stress
Studies have shown that regular activity during the school day links to concentration levels more composed behavior, and happier students.